While at an estate sale, I was slowly wandering through the house with my hands behind my back, just looking. Estate sales are interesting, a little morbid, and an experience. Most sales happen because the homeowner has died and the heirs employ a company to go into the house, organize, price, and sell everything-even spices from the kitchen and clothes in the closets. Some … [Read more...]
Maxed out frustration
This morning I went to Walgreens to get a flu shot. Easy. I waited five minutes, and Mathew gave me a shot in my left arm. I owed nothing; Medicare came to the rescue. He then said, “Your file flagged for never having a pneumonia vaccine. He explained people over sixty-five are recommended to have the high powered dose. He continued by saying I would then get a booster in … [Read more...]
A story has two sides
I kissed my husband and gave him a gentle hug, and they rolled him into surgery. The doctor said, “He’s going to happy hour, and you’re going to the torture chamber.” Everyone laughed, but it wasn’t funny. It was true. For the next seven hours and fifteen minutes, I sat in the surgical waiting room. Watching. Listening. Thinking. Waiting. Before continuing, my husband is … [Read more...]
You Are Enough
(I am participating in the Writing Contest: You Are Enough, hosted by PositiveWriter.) Not only are you enough, I too am enough. If I can be enough, so can you. If being enough is possible, it can be a reality for anybody. Thoughts are powerful, and if I believe I can do something, no matter what it is, I will at least try. If I think I can host an impressive dinner party, I … [Read more...]
How do you advertise for YOU?
As a kid with four sisters, we used to play the alphabet game when traveling in the car. If you can imagine seven people in one car, one who was always carsick (me) and the others bickering, (a kind word for scratching and kicking), we had to do something civil not to end up walking or getting a switching. Because of years of competition with my sisters, I am a master at … [Read more...]
I just want to be healthy
During lunch, with my sister Zella, I told her I had time for another story. This one is short and so sweet. "Oh, I just want to be healthy and astute and not miss out on any more fun. I miss my traveling. I don’t want to be dependent on anyone. I don’t want to go anywhere but where I’m living right now. It is my legacy from my parents. For real. I couldn’t have been more … [Read more...]
The power of one
At a stop light, I scanned my surroundings and noticed a group of trees. There was a tall skinny palm in a group of indigenous trees. It was remarkably different than the others; skinny thin and towering above everything. I couldn’t help but wonder how one lone, fragile tree grew to be so abnormally tall. My mind immediately connected the scene of opposites to real life. The … [Read more...]
Six days in court
I’m sitting in a courtroom waiting for the jury to emerge with a verdict. Today is my fifth day of walking into the Federal Court of Appeals, showing my ID, opening my iPad, taking off my boots, and putting everything in a plastic bin to run through security. The same routine happens at lunch. Morning and noon, the three men in black suits are always pleasant and … [Read more...]
Las Vegas Down
It has been nine days since our city of escape and excitement fell victim to senseless violence. I think I was in the normal range of reaction, and grieved for myself, the victims, and our country. Then I heard about couples I knew who was at the concert, and all at once it was personal. I find myself drawn to the written word in my quest to help those in trauma with … [Read more...]
Bless them on their way
The Priest started with a riddle: "What does everybody need to do, nobody wants to do, and most people don’t know how to do it?" I guessed, death. Wrong. The answer was FORGIVENESS. Forgiveness is a topic addressed in many counseling sessions, and the message in the homily was pertinent to many. First, yes, everybody does NEED to forgive. If we hold anger and angst in our … [Read more...]
How do you feed your spirit?
Bisbee, AZ, south east of Tucson, is a delightful former copper mining town diligently trying to reinvent itself into an artsy, intellectual destination. Homes, once called miner’s shacks, are built on the side of hills and offer delights for architects and renovators. The main street, Tombstone Canyon, with its century old charm offers the finest in dining, shopping, and … [Read more...]
Dreams require action
I had an awesome week. I saw all my kids and grandchildren. I also had fun riding my little pink scooter around town and visiting with friends at the farmer’s market and sidewalk sales. Small town America is the best. I also went to visit my son and daughter-in-law at their farm. What a treat. I had a chance to see what corn stalks look like after deer enjoy breakfast, … [Read more...]
STOP the hate
Well...here we are again; another shooting seemingly prompted by the lack of control over political emotions. I am sick and tired of our immaturity. Let's all grow up and stop our personal rage. Change begins with each of us: YOU and ME. I don't want a civil war. I don't want brothers fighting brothers; neighbors killing neighbors; families estranged. Starting today, I am … [Read more...]
My baby sister died
I apologize for the harsh title of this blog, but it is just the cold, hard truth. I’m thankful for this blog as I try to put my thoughts into any semblance of order. Her name was Patty Sue. She was six years younger than I. She was the baby of five girls. I don’t remember much about her when I was growing up. Everyone loved her, especially our dad, and although I don’t … [Read more...]
Food, food, and MORE food
Today I was in the audience of a Dr. Oz taping, a first. I applied online and showed up on W 66th at 8:45 as directed. All men and women in line sat in the Audience Holding Room. Around 9:30 they ushered into the filming studio according to a letter or symbol on the back of our tickets. They first called the “Stars,” then the “VIP’s,” then the “O’s,” and I was a “Z,” the last … [Read more...]