In my second book, My Clients…My Teachers, I invite you to learn about authentic psychotherapy through the stories of actual clients. This is not a technical book about theories and founding fathers. Nor is it a creative piece to conjure up experiences and dynamic struggles. This book simply
and purely contains true stories. Each of the fifty-eight clients came to therapy with the hope of something—less pain, more solutions, a listening ear, satisfying the courts, or just basic help in getting through something that was going on in their lives.
Not only do I want you to read each story and gain insight into your own challenges and relationships, I wish for you to share in the noble process of psychotherapy. I also hope that the stories you are about to read will answer some of your own questions and ease your apprehensions about seeking therapy.
The media does not always provide a true and realistic view into the psychotherapy process nor offer a perspective that encourages people to seek help. I believe that with real-life examples, and knowing what to expect, one might be more likely to reach out for help. Hopefully, My Clients…My Teachers will also serve in a small way to attract men and women into the fascinating career of mental health counseling.
The stories are divided into nine common therapeutic categories: Abuse, Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, Infidelity, Loss, Mental Illness, Parenting, and Relationships. The categories and the stories within each category are alphabetized, showing no preference of significance.
An Intimate Glimpse into the World of Psychotherapy
Travel with Dr. Goble as she and her clients invite you into their world. Explore glimpses of yourself, your family or someone you know in the authentic stories. Find answers to your own struggles and apply new perspectives to your life.
In My Clients … My Teachers, you’ll:
» Find hope and gain insights from each client’s unique depth
» Connect emotionally with the client
» Breakdown the stereotypes of psychotherapy
» Realize you are not aline in your life’s challenges
» Gain wisdom from the clients and the therapeutic process
» Apply what you learn to enhance your own life story
Appreciate the diversity of challenges facing ordinary people every day, and experience the helping process from the therapist chair. Their victories and defeats will touch your heart.
Relate with each individual and gain insight into the noble process of psychotherapy. Experience their therapeutic process and take from it what you can use. Welcome to the dynamic world of psychotherapy.
Welcome to my client’s stories! I invite you to enjoy and learn – I certainly did.
A Note About the Cover: The graphic on the cover is an example of drawings I used during therapy sessions to help explain a particular concept. The cover picture shows how to deal with a bully.
My FIRST book: Doctoral dissertation

Findings from study:
- Men are an unknown
- Elevate their fathers
- Generally disappointed in husbands
- Feel inadequate to raise sons
- Prefer to work with men
- Have men friends.
- Sisters are not separate from selves
- Often choose sisters as their best friends
- Mothers are included in the sister group
- Individual yet distinct member of the sister group
- Expect more from daughters
- Everything is possible including perfect
- Super responsible
- Independent and believe they are capable of doing anything
- Modest and naïve