As March rolls onto my calendar, I question how it arrived at jet speed. For most of my life, I’ve heard March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. I don’t know if that’s true, but the word March gives me hope that spring is nearing. Visions of tulips dance in my head. No matter the season, other visions dance in other heads. I have seven grandchildren, who range … [Read more...]
Have you written YOUR life story?
You can think your life is boring or insignificant, but it is YOUR story in the making. Nothing happens that does not contribute to the story line, setting, and plot. Like any good novel, there are ebbs and flows, but always connections to history, past and present characters, and dreams. Fred Allen, American radio comedian, said, "A human being is nothing but a story with a … [Read more...]
Live a good story
Live a good story Everyone’s life is a story. History is passed to new generations through spoken and written stories. The decisions we make, the friends we choose, and our family/community environment all contribute to our personal stories. Would you be pleased to watch the true story of your life on the theater screen? Would you invite your neighbors to join you at the … [Read more...]
Use it up, wear it out…or do without!
Use it up, wear it out...or do without! I did not live through the great depression, but during that period of history, 1929-1939, frugality was considered a virtue, and the phrase, “Use it up, wear it out, and make it do, or do without!” was the guiding principal in most households. Those were the years when nothing was wasted. Women sewed clothes for the family, and then made … [Read more...]