Depressed? Suicidal? Call 911 For many people Christmas is a time filled with loneliness, anxiety, sadness, and self-doubt. Any number of factors could be the culprit for holiday blues: relationships, financial pressure, too many commitments, memories of past holidays, unrealistic expectations, fatigue, stress, over-commercialization, and/or inability to be with one’s … [Read more...]
True giving – sincerity of the heart
True giving - sincerity of the heart Oh the holidays; the happy holidays; memories of childhood wonder; love in the air; Christmas carols humming in our heads; and festivities abounding. Our blessings are immeasurable…… That is one side of the story. That is the ideal. The other side of the story is the family living down the street that has no money for turkey or ham; … [Read more...]
Mimic Christmas tree for food choices
Mimic Christmas tree for food choices Christmas and food – decadent, mouthwatering, beautiful food – usually share the same stage; seldom do we envision one without the other. We usually allow our healthy choices for living to disintegrate the last six weeks of the year. Visions of dressing, gravy, fudge, apple pies, assorted cookies, and fresh bread are just a few mental … [Read more...]
Expect nothing enjoy everything
Expect nothing enjoy everything We are a little over three weeks away from the biggest day of the year, December 25th. We want to taste the warm apple cider with that perfect dash of cinnamon; feel the strong, slow hugs from family and friends; see the soft, white snow as it falls gently on the glowing holiday lights; smell the burning fire as we remember wonderful times past; … [Read more...]
Humility takes time to perfect
Humility takes time to perfect Humility is defined differently by many: lack of pride; modest; meek; shy; primary virtue; unpretentious; down to earth; self-abasement; sense of one’s own unworthiness; etc. Benjamin Franklin said, “Humility makes great men twice honorable.” I am learning the art of being humble: I am playing duplicate bridge twice a week. I play with … [Read more...]
We all want an uplifting journey
We all want an uplifting journey I spoke with a friend who used “uplifting journey” when referencing a current relationship. It made me wonder how often we all miss the mark of choosing friends and activities that lift us up instead of letting us down. Life happens and we have responsibilities, jobs, families, projects, obligations, full calendars, and tired … [Read more...]
Live a good story
Live a good story Everyone’s life is a story. History is passed to new generations through spoken and written stories. The decisions we make, the friends we choose, and our family/community environment all contribute to our personal stories. Would you be pleased to watch the true story of your life on the theater screen? Would you invite your neighbors to join you at the … [Read more...]
TRYING is not good enough
TRYING is not good enough I challenge all of us to take the word TRY out of our vocabulary. The word equates to failure and victimization; “I’ll TRY to do my best!” “I’ll TRY to exercise and get in better shape.” “I’ll TRY to be on time.” Trying is not good enough, and the words we use matter. Look at the difference in the above examples: “I’ll do my best!” “I’ll exercise … [Read more...]
Failure – a prerequisite to success
Failure - a prerequisite to success Thomas J. Watson, Sr., the chairman and CEO of IBM from 1914 until 1956, is attributed with saying, “If you want to succeed, double your failure rate.” When Thomas Edison was asked about how he failed 700 times in making the light bulb, he said,. "I have not failed 700 times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 700 … [Read more...]
We need to come out of the closet
We need to come out of the closet I recently listened to a presentation by Ash Beckham titled, “Coming out of your closet.” Her message was relevant for all of us. Following is my rendition of what she said: The term, coming out of the closet, is usually used in reference to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, or LGBT communities, but we all hide in closets … [Read more...]
Be the person you want a kid to be!
Be the person you want a kid to be! Adults can learn from rules on children’s poster I recently visited my grandson’s school and the poster of rules caught my eye: • Always be respectful • Don’t talk when someone else is talking • Raise your hand – don’t shout out • Keep your hands to yourself • Don’t hurt others • Have fun • Learn • Treat others how you want to be … [Read more...]
Stress is the culprit
Stress is the culprit Every person is born with the ability to be intimate and to make changes. If true, why does every person not make needed changes and experience rich intimacy? If it is possible, why not just do it? What holds us back from having rich, intimate relationships with people we really care about? The answer is stress. No matter our age, stressful … [Read more...]
Learn to make wise decisions
Learn to make wise decisions Being the forth child born in my family, I didn’t have to make many decisions. I was happy letting my sisters tell me what to do as long as I could tag along and enjoy myself. As an adult, life does not allow that luxury. Everyday we are expected and required to make decisions: When do I get up? What do I wear? What do I eat? How long can I read … [Read more...]
Dreams provide insights and lessons
Dreams provide insights and lessons Go ahead, think I’m weird, but my idea for this article came from a book I saw in a dream. The cover was white with pastel random flowers and one small white chair. The title of the book was, “One Little Chair.” When I woke up the image was so vivid that I wondered if it was a child’s book I was supposed to write. That was a fun … [Read more...]