Here we are in March, and the wind outside my window makes me think of the expression, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” I envision March teetering on a fence, wondering whether to jump to the side of winter or spring.
Mental health is a little that way—a balancing act. I’m always talking about mental health—what is it anyway?
We have physical health, where we try to choose our food wisely, get plenty of sleep, exercise a little, and go to the doctor when needed. We also try to avoid behavior that could cause bones to break.
Physical health is often visible; we cough and sneeze, droop around with no energy or avoid events because we don’t feel well.
We might think Mental health isn’t so obvious, but it carries a lot of the same symptoms as poor physical health. The remedies, also, are often the same. Physical and mental health connect like our hands and fingers, or our feet and legs. If one isn’t functioning well, the other, likely, isn’t either.
Mental, as with physical health, is complex. Mental wellness involves what makes us physically well but includes:
A. Having a voice.
B. Choosing supportive friends.
C. Saying “No” when we don’t want to do something.
D. Taking responsibility for what we do and say.
Compare both—balance, moderation, and making wise choices are vital to living responsibly and reaping life’s rewards—of enjoying the life we have or making the best of life’s challenges and disappointments.
With both, to reap benefits, we need to live responsibly. Physical and mental health involves caring enough about ourselves to choose wisely.
Both involve going to the doctor when needed. Whether we need medication or a counselor to help dissect disturbing events, saying, “I need some help with this” is a significant first step.
Mental health, in my mind, has an edge on physical health because our thoughts and reasoning help us handle whatever ailment or injury lands on our doorstep. Mental fitness helps us survive and thrive.
When we take care of ourselves, live with balance, speak up for ourselves, and hang out with uplifting people, we can better handle what life tosses our way. Mental health is believing and trusting in ourselves, plus owning and correcting mistakes. My mental health is in my control, and yours is in your control.
That is the good news.
Unlike March, we don’t want to be balancing on a fence between blizzards and tulips; we want our physical and mental health holding hands while we walk down a solid path toward the goodness of life.
It’s possible.
Until the next time: Live while you live.
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A great mental vision … our mental and physical health walking hand in hand Thanks!
It’s true too:) They can’t be separated. Imposible.