We all want an uplifting journey
I spoke with a friend who used “uplifting journey” when referencing a current relationship. It made me wonder how often we all miss the mark of choosing friends and activities that lift us up instead of letting us down.
Life happens and we have responsibilities, jobs, families, projects, obligations, full calendars, and tired bodies.
Uplifting? What is that?
If you don’t know what is uplifting for you, it is time to figure it out.
If not now, when?
I challenge you to evaluate what you choose to do and rate it from one to ten; ten being the most uplifting and one being the least. Order them so all the 10’s are at the top, 9’s next and so-on down to the 1’s. This list is looking at what you enjoy, what stimulates you, what makes you feel energized verses what you do that brings you down.
What do you see? Is your life uplifting; are you including your 8-9-10 in each day? If not, why not?
After your list is compiled, focus on the experiences you rated at a 6-7-8-9 or 10. What we think about multiplies; focus on the top half of the list, not on the bottom.
If you know you have things that raise your spirits and they are not illegal, immoral, or unethical, then you could/would/should be doing them regularly. This is YOUR life and YOU are the only control you have.
We all have commitments that are less then exciting. If your responsibilities drain you of all your energy and you have nothing left for the fun stuff, change your attitude about the unpleasant tasks, try to do them in a shorter amount of time, and make decisions to use the extra time wisely with the energy gained from your attitude change.
If you could add five minutes of uplifting activities to this week and ten minutes next week, etc., you will notice how much easier it is for your feet to hit the floor in the morning, knowing there is something worthy of your heart waiting for you.
If you would make those small changes for a month or two, imagine the difference in your smile and the skip in your step.
We all want and deserve an “uplifting journey!” Let us start today!
Until the next time: Live while you live!