While packing the Spyder in front of our hotel, a woman pulled up beside us and asked where we were from…where we were going, etc. We told her we were headed to Story Indiana. “Oh, I hope you get the blue room – it is haunted.” I proceeded to tell her about the haunted Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, CO and her great story emerged. Enjoy.

Cindy in Central Illinois
Our house is haunted. Four times, over the years, when I got out of bed and down the hall to the bathroom, I noticed movement inside my daughter’s room. I never told her because I didn’t want to scare her.
When she was twenty-one, I mentioned our house was haunted while visiting with friends. My daughter looked at me with alarm. I though oh oh, I shouldn’t have said that.
She said, “How do you know? You’ve seen her too?”
We discussed the woman dressed in Victorian clothes with her hair in a bun that we had both seen. I only saw her when my daughter wasn’t home – otherwise her door was closed. She said the woman would be at the foot of her bed and once they made eye contact she would disappear.
I asked why she never told me, and she said she was afraid I would think she was crazy. I said I never told anybody for the same reason.
We live at the home place, where my dad was raised. The family has had the house since the early thirties. Nobody knew of a woman who matched the appearance we described. Another family owned the house before my family and when asking neighboring farmers, nobody knew of anyone who had died in the house.
I haven’t seen her since my daughter went away to school. My boyfriend’s daughter is moving into the house and I told her about the Victorian Lady, and she said, “I do not want that room.”