“United we stand, divided we fall” is a phrase that has been used in mottos, from nations and states to songs. The fable seems to have originated with Aesop who was a slave in ancient Greece during the 6th Century B.C.
I believe we all need to examine and live by those simple words. Our Republican and Democratic political parties, those made up of American citizens, have the potential to cause America to fall and fail because they are so divided and seemingly unwilling to see concepts from each other’s perspective.
It astounds me to hear the hate that comes from the mouths of regular people when talking about the party that is not their voting preference, or about people who have a culture different from theirs. People I respect and are ordinarily rational and objective turn into absolute radicals.
No unit can stand divided; not a family, couple, team, classroom, and definitely not a country.
I wasn’t there, but we would not have won WW11 had we not been united. We worked together even if we didn’t agree. We cared about each other even if we varied on protocol and decisions. We fought for and believed in America.
Two political parties were established in 1824, and here we are 191 years later acting like immature children who are spoiled and throwing a tantrum. In fact, if a child spoke and treated others with the disrespect I see in adults today, they would be expelled from school. And, if we continue to listen to radicals bleating on our televisions and radios, we will all be radicalized like the terrorists of today. We will lose our ability to organize our thoughts and speak thoughtfully and rationally based on unbiased information.
Like the graphic I found online, “You better stop being a Democrat, and you better stop being a Republican. You better start being American.”
Point your finger at yourself and like my mother used to say, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all!”
Until the next time: Live while you live!