Thoughts on Fifty Shades
I have read blogs and interpretations of the movie, Fifty Shades of Grey, and I have mixed opinions. Most of what I have read reveals authors disgust with the movie and the upside down message it gives to women and girls about healthy relationships.
I read all three books and enjoyed them. They were well written and totally held my interest. I grew very tired of all the sex, but it was all part of the storyline. I remember saying to myself, “Really? Again?” But the characters were interesting and had a connection that was enjoyable to follow. I have not seen the movie, but I will.
I can understand my fellow counselor’s concern with abuse and misuse of women, controlling men, and sexual freedom or corruption. But, I want to know why this R rated movie has been singled out. Many movies, even Disney movies, are filled with horror, blood, murder, sex, lust, ‘F’ everything, and more evil than I care to watch. Why are we only concerned and boycotting theaters that show Fifty Shades of Grey? I don’t get it.
I think most movies and TV series are corrupt to the max. Even sitcoms are full of sexual innuendoes and unlikely love relationships. I too believe that Fifty Shades portrays a male dominated bond that is initiated by a sexual addiction and powered with money and control. But, it IS between two consenting adults. I’ve watched many movies, even religious historical movies that show the same relationship dynamics and I’ve never seen hoopla about targeting theaters that headline those movies.
Human nature intrigues me, and I don’t know why one movie, designated for adults only, is scrutinized and judged poison.
If it was in my power I would boycott studios that produce the violent, no regard for human life, power crazed movies that are annually rewarded with accolades.
I think we shouldn’t be so prejudiced. Fifty Shades is one of hundreds, maybe thousands, of inappropriate movies – all trying to entertain us with some form of sensationalizing.
I say we don’t go to any of them – we alone can change the industry if we stop paying our hard earned money to support production and promotion of all violence.
I’m going to find a theater this week showing Fifty Shades of Grey. I’m curious, and I want to form a valid opinion. I’ll watch it with an open mind. Look for my next post…I’ll give you my real scoop.
Until the next time: Live while you live!