A friend, whose husband had been in and out of cancer treatment for several years, called to tell me she met a woman who told her of a successful alternative to chemotherapy. After a brief recap of her conversation, with joyous excitement, my friend said, “My spark is back!” Her spark is what I call hope. Like magic, someone’s words removed “almost” from the doctor’s previous … [Read more...]
TRYING is not good enough
TRYING is not good enough I challenge all of us to take the word TRY out of our vocabulary. The word equates to failure and victimization; “I’ll TRY to do my best!” “I’ll TRY to exercise and get in better shape.” “I’ll TRY to be on time.” Trying is not good enough, and the words we use matter. Look at the difference in the above examples: “I’ll do my best!” “I’ll exercise … [Read more...]