When logic and reason lose the battle, I’m stranded in a canoe with no oars. Emotions seldom drive my decisions, but feelings and frustrations can disrupt even the most beautiful sunny July day. It seems we have conflict everywhere these days. People may be on their last nerve. They may feel the need to control more intensely because there is so much in our political … [Read more...]
Win a little—lose a little
After surviving another election with supposedly intelligent adults being mean, nasty, and rude to each other, I’m thinking of how the rest of us can have conflicting points of view without putdowns, character defamation, talking over and louder, and permanent damage to relationships. Most of the candidate commercials, uninvited into my living room between my few TV programs, … [Read more...]
If all else fails, try compassion
If all else fails, try compassion What is your reaction if your spouse yells at you, your child says s/he hates you, your co-workers exclude you from after work events, or someone defames your character with lies? If you react within a normal range, you probably feel terrible; fear, frustration, hurt, or unfairness. You might want to retaliate, hurting them … [Read more...]