Following is an unedited version of the first article I wrote for the South Platte Sentinel in 12/22/2010. Thanks to Delinda Korrey for saying yes to my Mental Matters column and to Cathy Miller for graciously editing many of my first submissions. It's funny how the basics of good mental wellness don’t change over the years. May you all create a blessed Christmas. I retired … [Read more...]
No words…just Christmas Glitz
Expect nothing enjoy everything
Expect nothing enjoy everything We are a little over three weeks away from the biggest day of the year, December 25th. We want to taste the warm apple cider with that perfect dash of cinnamon; feel the strong, slow hugs from family and friends; see the soft, white snow as it falls gently on the glowing holiday lights; smell the burning fire as we remember wonderful times past; … [Read more...]