I need a plan — how about you? As I look at the date on this article, I think, OMGoodness — it will be Christmas soon. The Hallmark channel has reruns of Christmas movies, and a store last week had a sign at the entrance: 174 days until Christmas. On this day of publication, it is 168 days until Dec. 25. UGH! The older I get, the faster the years fly and the slower the … [Read more...]
A matter of balance
A matter of balance Robert Fulghum, author of All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, wrote: “Live a balanced life – learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.” Wise advice! Balance affects many subjects: checkbooks; work and family; budgets; scales; tires; meals; investments; we even have shoes called New Balance. … [Read more...]
UNITED WE STAND – I wish "United we stand, divided we fall" is a phrase that has been used in mottos, from nations and states to songs. The fable seems to have originated with Aesop who was a slave in ancient Greece during the 6th Century B.C. I believe we all need to examine and live by those simple words. Our Republican and Democratic political parties, those made up of … [Read more...]
New Year is an occasion for change
New Year is an occasion for change New Year’s Resolutions are commitments to make changes we feel will improve our lives. We might try to lose weight, quit smoking, exercise, show more patience, live with a budget, clean the garage, start a hobby, open that college account, etc. No matter the resolution, Wikipedia claims only 12% actually achieve their goals. Why do we make … [Read more...]