On a Netflix movie, “Tuscana,” a tombstone quote read: “As Extraordinary as Everybody Else.” I liked it because it spoke to equality instead of superiority or disadvantage. Close to the same time, I listened to an audiobook, “The Highly Sensitive Person’s (HSP) Guide to Dealing with Toxic People.” The connection between the two might seem strange. Still, the book details … [Read more...]
Practice the power of you
We celebrated President’s Day on Monday, but today, February 22nd, is the actual birthday of George Washington. He was born in 1732, and on the same day, two hundred years later, Ted Kennedy was born. Also, on this day in 1848, John Quincy Adams, our sixth president, died at 80. Today is also Ash Wednesday, plus a designated holiday for walking a dog, cooking sweet potatoes, … [Read more...]
Bullies Bullies are everywhere: schools, offices, churches, legislature, sports, homes, playgrounds, bedrooms, stores, hospitals, airplanes, etc. Bullies use words, aggressiveness, body language, writing, facial expressions, violence, rejection, and money to control their victims. Bullies feel empowered at the expense of someone else. If you are a bully, you know it. If you … [Read more...]