After my last blog, I met a sweet friend, Kiersta, at the Rockefeller tree, a first. She treated me to a liquid refreshment at Bar SixtyFive at the Top of the Rock. So fun, and a-mazing views!
I’ve also seen three theater productions: Fiddler on the Roof; Senior Moment; Terms of Endearment. Three firsts. One made me think about the power of traditions, one was crazy funny, and the last one brought tears. I do admit, “I love live theater.” They are even more spectacular when the commute involves only walking.

The Write-In Friday night included the prompt In Flight, a snack extravagance with wine, and another promo, Souvenir. It is entertaining to write for fifteen minutes and wonder, “Where did that come from?” On the first prompt, I wrote about the miserable aspects of flying. My piece sounded like I was paranoid, anxious, cynical, and a germaphobic. Maybe? I liked my thoughts on souvenirs. It is included at the end of this blog.
I enjoyed a Writers Critique Group on Saturday, a first. It was on the second floor of the Grand Central Library on E 46th. I felt awkward walking into the room, causing me to talk too much. Once all twenty or so showed up and began personal bantering, I felt out of place, yet stimulated.
The format of the group was skillful: Very brief introductions, discussion of a writing issue,; critiques of four member’s submitted pieces, and closing with a social gathering at Blackwells Bar & Restaurant, a first. I wasn’t going to go with the group, but since I never want to miss out on an experience, I went and was glad.
The members were diverse in ethnicity, age, ability, and experience. The critique format worked well: No reading since we read each piece before the group; brief background of submitted work by the author who was silent for the remainder of the process; positives; negatives; nitpicks; hands together for the author; words from the author; closing with more applause.
I was a silent observer for the most part. I regretted the three times I spoke. It was an excellent experience. I’m leaving NYC before the next group, or I would submit for critique.
Critiques in all of life, although they can be hard to hear, help us process and change; hopefully improving.
Two Months of Firsts – #9
Written on December 5, 2016
12-2-16 from Write-In
Prompt: Souvenir
Jody used to buy souvenirs everywhere she traveled, not only for herself but her sisters and parents and special friends. They might be plastic Statues of Liberty, sea shells from Bar Harbor, chocolate from Brussels, and salmon from Alaska.
But now, things have changed. Seemingly, everybody has everything, and everyone goes everywhere. The novelty and significance have faded into a new era and generation.
Jody still loves souvenirs, but they have shifted from things to emotions. She now collects memories from people she meets and sights that make her gasp with awe. For example, her first view of the Eiffel Tower from the subway; the scorpion bite in Arizona; the stranger she hugged after the theater production of Once; the granddaughter who bellowed, “That’s my grandma!” as she ran from her preschool field trip and jumped into Jody’s arms.
Treasured souvenirs today don’t need to be stored or dusted. They only need to be remembered.
Jennifer it sounds like you are having the trip of a lifetime. Wonderful! Paul and I love live theater also. We used to go to all the theaters in Central Phoenix when we lived there and now we go to the Arizona Broadway Theater on this end of town. Love it.
Geri, Cal doesn’t like theater, but I do need to get to some of the local theaters. It has been so fun here because I have gone to Broadway, Off Broadway, and Off, Off Broadway. Nowhere else, except maybe London, could I have such a diverse selection of marvelous productions within a walking radius.
I totally agree with “Souvenir”….I often travel abrod and buy nothing, not taking pictures…….seldom cases……..I etch everything in my heart and brain………….we were born with no possessions and we don’t need anything when we go up……lighter is better……………..
Masako – I love how you expressed what I was saying. “I etch everything in my heart and brain.” So accurate and so much more meaning then spending out time looking for what to buy. Today, I am taking a self designed walking tour. I will try to write about it tonight:) Thank you for your follow:)