My sister Patty is now in day sixteen of leukemia treatment. Seven days of chemo started on Friday the 2nd. Then there was seven days of waiting. On day fourteen bone marrow was taken, and today she received the dreaded results.
She needs zero cancer cells in her body, or she gets no bone marrow transplant.
Day fourteen was tough. That was the day we shaved her head. Her long dark hair was placed in a grocery bag. She made the decision on her own, braided her hair so she could donate it or have it made into hair pieces, and asked the nurse for sheers. Between the nurse, Paul, my sister Marva, myself, and one dull hair clipper, we got it done. Patty cried and so did we. Marva and I went shopping for caps and hats in the hospital gift shop. She said, “I look like Daddy, except he had more hair.”
She sent us after shampoo with no sulfates? Funny.
The doctor came in on day 17 and told her she still had 10% cancer cells in her body so she needed another round of chemo. Patty was by herself when the doctor swung in, relayed the bad news, and flitted out. She said the specialist would decide what strain of chemo she needed.
Early afternoon, the same doctor came in with a big smile and said the specialist thought the first round might still be working, so they were going to wait a week to start round two of chemo. The doctor gave us hope that maybe the first seven day dose would be enough.
Patty wrote in a text: “My intuition has been telling me that the last chemo is still working. 😉 The Dr. said my intuition may be right. :))) I remember thinking what if the chemo is still working when they take the biopsy? God whispering in my ear! :)))”
The good news, my sister gets a week in the hospital with no chemo, little pain, minimal sores in her mouth, and no narcotic drugs.
The staff at University is truly awesome; if she calls, they are there within minutes. They write her blood counts and nurses names on a white board, and she has a beautiful view. She said she has a room at the Hilton.
She mainly misses her grandkids because they cannot come into her room and she cannot go out of the oncology wing because of her weakened immune system. She is most hopeful to get out of the hospital between remission and transplant in time for their birthdays.
She is a happy girl tonight and so are we. Hallelujah! Thank you, God!
Until the next time: Live while you live!
That is wonderful news. We will keep Pattyon out prayer list in Traditions at Greeley Christ Community Church. Praise God. Geri
Jennifer: I am sorry your family is having to go through this test. I will be holding all of you in my daily prayers.
I came to look at your site today after sitting with you at the dinner/dance. I’m so sorry Patty, you and your whole family is going through this horrible ordeal. You all have my prayers. Patty to have the strength to rid herself of the cancer and you and the rest of the family staying by her side to give her the strength, faith and confidence to face it and rid herself of it. Geri