Sin – What do you think?
(Opinion piece – I am a Christian – not a religious counselor)
I researched SIN on the internet and reaffirmed that we have all sinned. Adam began with original sin and we all inherited it. Jesus died for our sins and gave us a second chance. But, then again, we have all sinned since then. We can say we are sorry and mean it sincerely, but then another day starts and we add to the list. Never sinning is an unrealistic goal because all reasonable goals are achievable, measureable, and manageable. Never sinning cannot fit in that category.
Oh, we might not commit major – get put in jail sins, but impure thoughts or not putting others before ourselves happens every day.
Most resources defined sin as something not pleasing to God. We know what he does not want because he gave us the Ten Commandments. Other than that, we have to use our conscience and common sense to decide what would please him.
Take gambling for example – the bible never mentions the word gamble. The writings also do not mention pornography on the internet. Does that mean neither is sinful? Both? We each need to decide.
How about shooting someone? Is that a sin? How about war where many people are shot? Are soldiers sinning while they defend our freedom? Are there exceptions? Does it depend on the situation?
How is a person to know?
I personally believe many people waste time worrying about whether they are good enough to get to heaven. I think God loves us and understands us and guides to do what is right. If we listen to our own voice or conscience, which is how I believe God speaks to us, we will do good. If we are bad, God loves us, understands our decisions, and forgives us if we take responsibility for our mistakes and say, “I’m sorry, I was wrong, please forgive me.”
My dad, bless his soul, was afraid he had not lived the life that earned him a home in heaven. I sensed he was afraid to die. I thought it so sad that a man who had done his best for over ninety years feared his loving God would reject him.
My God accepts us all, even with our flaws and sins. He is our Father after all; good dads would never reject their own flesh and blood even if his children were very naughty!
So let us live life according to what is good, fair, truthful, loving, and kind. I believe God will welcome us with strong open arms.
Don’t waste life on fear; do the right thing and know that God approves.
Until the next time: Live while you live