(Visiting my sister Patty in the hospital on 1-5-16, she told me this story. In her actual words.)
“When I heard the word leukemia…unbelief, shock, an empty feeling. Like, this is it, (laugh) this is all she wrote.
And then there was panic to get to the hospital – go home and pack.
The hospital was calling and setting up a room. We went to Denver and they had to bring me in a wheelchair. Straight to the eleventh floor. We went straight to ‘Go’ – don’t stop at admissions.
It was October 1st, 2015, and it was an easy process. Getting checked in, they made it easy. They started taking care of me right away.
I can’t remember if Pat and Steph came that night or the next night. I’ll have to ask Jim. But, that is when Pat gave me his neck chain, my now Power Chain.
They started Chemo the next day. Five days of Chemo. I’ve had three rounds of Chemo. Haven’t I?
It was amazing I didn’t have any side effects other than sores in my mouth. Chemo affects fast growing cells like those in your mouth and intestines. That is why people get diarrhea. I had that for a while, but they give you magic medicine and it goes away.
I was also amazed how nice everyone was, and how beautiful they are. Like it must be a requirement for employment; beautiful with long eye lashes. (Laugh)
I was amazed the food is so delicious.
Everyone is nice and caring. And all the cards I got. I can’t forget that.
It actually went fast. The eight weeks went fast. Sort of like having a baby. I guess you forget.
The most uncomfortable thing has been the biopsies and this triple port on my chest. Oh no, the most uncomfortable was the spinal puncture they did. That was tops.”
Dr J’s Comments
I so enjoyed getting stories from my sister Patty while she was in the hospital waiting for her blood to rebuild after getting bone marrow transplant. I started the story with, “When I heard the word Leukemia…” and she finished the thought. When she had said all she wanted to say, I said, “It was amazing that…” and what she added ended the story.
How easy to get a beautiful story she will always remember.
Sounds like the experience of a lifetime that you don’t want to repeat.