I neglected one of my favorite activities—writing rural women’s stories. Some women are excited to tell me one of their life stories; some say, “My life’s too boring to tell,” and one said, “No.” That friend has since passed, and her stories passed with her. Sad.
You can think your life is boring or insignificant, but it’s not. Like any good novel, your story has heroes, villains, tragedies, humor, and happiness. It also contains nuggets of history, unique characters, and dreams.
American radio comedian Fred Allen said, “A human being is nothing but a story with a skin around it.” We need to tell the story under our skin. It is only accurate if we are the truthful storytellers.
Writing your story is not easy, but telling your story is easier because I can do the writing. You can make some hot tea, and I will sit with you in your home and write your story as you speak. When you finish talking, I will go home and type it up as close as possible to what you said and then give it back for you to approve or correct. When you’re satisfied, I will ask for one photo related to your story and post it on my website (jennifergoble.com) and Facebook. We can change your name for anonymity if you wish. My goals are simple: 1) for rural women to tell their stories, and 2) for each story to encourage other women to tell or write their stories. I charge nothing and will give you a copy when it’s finished.
You can also write your story, and we can do the same via email.
If you want me to visit and write your story, text me at 970-520-4147. I’m harmless, and our time together will be pleasant and include lots of laughter. Remember, I don’t want your whole life story. I want a short story to get you started.
If you choose to tell me your story, please don’t stress over it. No planning is necessary. Your memories will come to you with no preparation. All I need from you is hot tea and an hour or two.
I’ve written several of my stories, and you can find them on my website. I, too, questioned the value of my experiences. I stressed over what events were important milestones, wondered if I was pessimistic or inauthentic, and worried if someone would be offended if I did or did not mention their significance in my life. What if my story was just plain dull?
The answer to all these worries is, “It doesn’t matter. My story is MY story.” And your story is YOUR story.
Our stories endure if we pass them on.
Until the next time: Live while you live.
Jennifer Goble, Ph.D., LPC, is the author of “My Clients…My Teachers,” and the blogger and writer of Rural Women Stories: www.ruralwomenstories.com.
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