Not being satisfied is okay – even good
Using a nasty voice, someone once asked me, “Are you ever going to be satisfied?” Without a thought, I snapped back, “I hope not!”
That memory is not particularly pleasant, but it does make me smile; I was surprised at my response. Not only did the words come out of my mouth without thought, it was true. It was a good example of how our first thoughts are often spot-on. It also helped in self-discovery. If I would have thought about the question, I would have certainly disagreed, or disregarded it entirely. Instead, my answer helped me reflect on my life and own my decisions.
Not being satisfied causes angst in life, but it also paves the path for improvement. If I was Little Ms. Satisfied, I would not, for example, have expectations for how I am treated, how others are treated, how clean my house is, what messages I write in this blog, or checking off my bucket list. I wouldn’t be me and not being who we are is an all-time mistake – loss – tragedy.
The person who asked that question intended it as a criticism and put-down. I accepted it as a thank you because it helped me to know myself better and to accept that not being satisfied can be the beginning step to progress and a full life.
What do you learn from intended insults? Turn them around and make them work for you!
Until the next time: Live while you live