Friday is April. Yay! It feels similar to approaching graduation—hope for the future. Sunshine, flowers, and time on the patio will soon replace dark, cold days.
I enjoy the seasons. Sure, it is nice not to shovel snow and plan the day before looking out the window, but the ebb and flow of the seasons add joy to my life.
My granddaughter tells me, “Grandma, we should only spend time or money on what brings us joy.” I love the wisdom of young people, even though I know idealism isn’t always realistic. Why not live with the notion of possibilities and hopefulness? Even illogical hope is better than none. Spring nudges me to shift to positive thinking? Doesn’t the first tulip or green stems showing up on the rose bush bring a feeling of satisfaction and anticipation? The signs of gloomy days lifting make me smile and put a skip in my step.
Spring, full of new life, is an opportune time to set goals and make plans. Possibilities seem within reach. When the sun shines and the front door is open to fresh air, my thoughts shift to many choices for my day. Not being stuck in the house because of snow, cold, and ice allows my world to grow more vivid and exciting.
On this fifth Wednesday of March, I have no mental health message. I only share what this sunny morning brings to my spirit, and I hope you breathe in some of the same joy that arrives as a gift with no price tag, obligations, or schedules. Spring helps me shed the heavy happenings of winter and allows me to let go of whatever I need to release. It’s a “shake it off” season. It helps lift my spirit.
There is snow on the ground, no wind, and the sun is bright and welcoming. I think of how fortunate I am to visit each of you every week. Only the best of friends take time to listen to (read) my weekly musings.
Friday is April Fool’s Day. I hope the jokesters in your life surprise you with a no harm, only laughter mischievous prank—a perfect fit for this upcoming season. Maybe the day’s a practice of letting go and allowing the idealism of youth to resurface and thrive.
Every day is a gift, but each comes wrapped in brighter paper and prettier bows in the year’s spring. It reminds me to create and celebrate joy.
Closing with thoughts of my sister Patty, who passed in 2017. In 2016, she drew a beautiful spring bouquet on an Easter card and wrote with beautiful calligraphy, “The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day He created Spring.” Bern Williams
Until the next time: Live while you live.
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Amen and amen!
Lovely Jennifer.
Spring springs brings
on hope. To not have hope would be to live in a dismal world.
I miss your sister Patty. It was always so much fun to see her and visit at the Kelley gatherings.
Stay well my friend and enjoy all the blessings “Spring” offers us.
Thank you, Jenene. Patty loved being out and about and seeing people. She truly loved people. You stay well too. Wherever you are, I hope you are not getting this debilitating wind. I feel so bad for the farmers. I know you know what I’m saying;) Happy Easter!