Trust – the only true means to success
Merriam-Webster defines trust as the belief that someone or something (person, product, or organization) is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc.
I believe good mental health is more attainable if we are personally trustworthy. It is also unlikely that we will attract trustworthy people if we have opposing traits of inconsistency, dishonesty, manipulation, etc.
Trust is earned. A parent who throws his child into the air and catches him/her has earned trust. What happens to trust if the parent fails to catch the child? Will the child ever regain total trust in that parent when it comes to playing that game?
Trust involves character. People notice those who do what is right over what is easy. If one loses trust it is seldom regained. Think of Tiger Woods and Penn State.
I have heard it said that having trust is the only true means to success. With every interaction, people trust us a little more or a little less. The biggest cost anywhere is the loss of trust.
Empires are built on trust. Think of Starbucks and McDonalds. People trust sameness. Anywhere in the world, I can trust my Latte or French Fries to have consistent taste, appearance, and volume.
To have, build, and maintain trust we need a few reminders. We need to:
- care about others
- do what we say we will do
- be grateful
- own our weaknesses
- shed the “know it all” attitude
- do little things with consistency
- remain silent if we do not know the subject
- teach by example
- appreciate others
- tell the truth
- keep commitments
- respect other’s space, time, and opinions
- beware of braggers and bullies
- take responsibility for our actions
- wisely choose the company we keep
I recently heard that a friend was chosen for a leadership promotion. Without doubt, I know that earned trust was the foundational trait below the decision. Trust: Priceless!
Until the next time: Live while you live!