What do you do if something extraordinary happens to you–out of the blue?
I ask because such an event landed in my checking account on March 10th. I don’t need to describe the boring details, but it involved Social Security. (SS)
My reaction was similar to the loss cycle: bargaining, denial, anger, depression, and then acceptance.
Initially, I thought, “What? This deposit is a scam—this cannot be real.” I called as soon as possible because it wasn’t a hefty enough sum for prison time, and I didn’t want to get a letter stating I had to repay it after they discovered their mistake and I had spent every penny. After a few hours of calling, sweet and kind clerk Carol answered her phone. I told her honestly what happened and expressed my fear that SS would immediately recognize their mistake and remove the payment.
I felt a bit angry and sad, thinking their error had flipped my body and mind into chaos. Because all SS offices were closed, I wasted several hours Googling SS to ask how and why I would get an increase in my SS payment.
It turns out that the “Fairness Act” passed through Congress in January was the explanation. Yippee. It was a legitimate payment, and I would not get a letter stating I needed to return the amount with interest. My new best friend, SS Carol, also told me my monthly payment would increase. After the call, I stared at the wall for a while and then accepted my good fate.
I said to Lucy, “Thank you! We needed a break!” She sat, cocked her head to the right, and looked at me with those questioning big black eyes. We danced a joyful and thank-you jig, then went for a walk in the sunshine.
Good surprises come in different shapes and forms, and they don’t all involve money. For example, my niece had an “In remission” report, and my grandkids achieved so many accolades and continue to strive. Maybe it was the surprise of it or the full range of emotions, but it was certainly proof that good still happens in this unsettling world.
It was also a reminder that we need people—we always need people who listen, share wisdom, and help us.
We also need laughter. I laughed with Carol several times, and my family always laughed at me and with me. Laughter is one mainstay of mental wellness—mainly when directed at ourselves.
I’m leaving you with a hug and the belief that good surprises still cross our thresholds. Just as in loss and grief, good news can settle into the acknowledgment that “Thank you!” is the accurate and magic word of the day.
Until the next time: Live while you live.
Jennifer Goble, Ph.D., LPC, is the author of “My Clients…My Teachers,” and the blogger and writer of Rural Women Stories: www.ruralwomenstories.com.
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