Don’t forget yourself as you spring clean
Today, we have a crew installing seamless gutters on the house to prevent water damage around the foundation when the monsoons come. We have a one man crew repairing the concrete foundation on the miners shack in the back yard for the same reason. We ordered a new exterior door because the old one is warped as well as a new threshold to prevent moisture and bugs from invading the house. Yesterday we had to install a new refrigerator as the old one bit the dust.

We are doing all of this to improve our quality of living, but also to maintain and preserve the structure. It should all increase the value of our property, as well as reduce future, more extensive, expensive repairs. We have spent a lot of money, time, and effort into taking care of our home.
I wonder if we give our minds, bodies, and spirits the same consideration. Do we look at ourselves, see problems, and set out to fix them? Do we eat and sleep with regards to preventing future physical ailments? Do we manage our thoughts so our mental wellness maintains stability? Do we nurture our spirit on a daily basis in order to maximize our potential in this world? Do we surround ourselves with positive, healthy people in an effort to neutralize the negative forces in daily living that we have little control over?

Everything in life needs maintenance; even the water we drink and the air we breathe. What would make us think that our bodies can be used and abused and still operate at maximum performance?
We need to care for ourselves with the same attention to detail as we would our home, clothes, and automobile. Make an investment in you –improve and change as needed, keep your whole person in good order, and do what is within your power, each day, to insure your desired future.
If we don’t care for ourselves, who will? In comparison to everything else we spend money on, nothing is more valuable than our health. Put your personal maintenance on the top of your list. It’s spring, so focus as much attention onto yourself as you do toward your lawn and flower garden.
Make sense? What is good for our possessions must surely be good for us.
Until the next time: Live while you live