Appreciate America
July 4th is the anniversary of the publication of the declaration of independence from Great Britain in 1776. That was 238 years ago; more than 9 generations. At my age, that would be my great, great, great, great, great, great grandparent’s generation. What an awesome thought.
I challenge all of us to appreciate and be thankful for the efforts, sacrifices, contributions, and wisdom we inherited from the people who came before us. It is surreal to imagine their challenges, heartaches, and mental health trials.
I personally feel a high sense of frustration when I hear Americans complaining about our country. What keeps us from being appreciative? Are our expectations and standards too high? Are we too entitled? Have we lost sight of how lucky we are? Do we have too much leisure? Do we not balance our values? Do we have too much abundance? Do we fail to notice how people in other countries live? Is our focus too heavy on what we want and not what we have? Has our attachment to “things” distorted our ability to see the big picture?
I don’t have the answers to the above questions, but I do know there is something wrong when we fail to appreciate what we have. We don’t have good mental health if we choose to count faults instead of blessings.
America is Beautiful! I’ve been in nearly all 50 states. Many have been passed through on my way to somewhere else but I know there is natural beauty and amazing human accomplishments in every small town, major city, farmstead, mansion, museum, battleground, national park, etc.
I have many “favorites” in my life, but near the top of the list is the American Flag. Her radiance, significance, and grace humbles me; seeing our flag flying in the wind, hanging motionless, or showing its full beauty in a breeze fills me with a heavy peace and a sense of deep gratitude.
I hope this Fourth of July finds you thinking about how fortunate you are. Wake up and say something positive about our country. Maybe someone will follow your example.
Closing with heartfelt encouragement to celebrate your freedom on this glorious day; our freedom is and always has been costly; it is anything but free. Appreciate!
Until the next time: Live while you live!
No one really knows more about what this country really stands for than those who have fought and sacrificed for it. Those who support those who do also know the burden those 3% of our population endure. A wise person once said, “You can tell a lot about a country by how many are trying to get into it compared to how many are trying to leave.” I’m with you on having everyone think of at least one thing this US of A does positively but on a daily basis. I wake up everyday and see the flag I have in my front yard and know that the 30 years I have spent defending this nation was and is not wasted. I am also a firm believer in the statement “If you really don’t like it here, no one is keeping you from leaving.”
This country has it’s problems, but like true Americans, we find a way and fix them. We are back to back winners of two World Wars for a reason! Staying positive and doing the right thing will always prevail. Stay safe and keep up the good work Doctor!
Thank you for your comments, and I so agree with you that every day is an opportunity to be grateful, and like you, I do just that. Thank you for you service!!!