Today is my second day, and I have already slaughtered my fiscally responsible budget and put two pounds of muscle on my walking legs.
I’ve dreamed of this extended stay in NYC since my first visit in the 70’s. My last birthday motivated me to activate a wish into reality. This old country girl is going to experience a first every day for two whole months. Watch me twinkle.
I am excited to sleep in one bed for two whole months, and never drive a car. Silly, I know. Since I met my husband in 2007, we are never in one place for long. In other words, we travel a lot, which is fun, but packing, driving, flying, and unpacking wears me tired.
My Colorado country upbringing is noticeable here; I’m usually lost, have a perpetual smile, and say excuse me, thank you, and please too often. I wait for lights before crossing a street, and look at the top of buildings while walking. Also, my hair is not long and straight nor short and straight. I try not to be an obvious tourist, but acting has never been my forte.
The energy in the air is electric, the odors and languages are international, and people are friendly and interesting; I especially enjoyed an informed court officer, an endearing Japanese lady, and a woman I asked for directions. She called the store and asked their location because she didn’t wanted to give me incorrect information.
I arrived on Tuesday the 15th. I said, “If the place is clean and has no bedbugs, I will be happy.” I am happy, although I have no hot water and wifi is sketchy. It is a small one bedroom with a sofa and a red chair. Before I went to bed, I was unpacked with my suitcases stored in the far corner of the closet; I will not need them for two whole months. Watch me twinkle.
My apartment is the first time I rented from Airbnb. The jury is out.
Yesterday, I wondered around my new neighborhood. There is a market, cut flower vendor, Catholic Church, Italian restaurant, and Starbucks within two blocks. I wondered into the Lincoln Center, bought a ticket to The Color Purple, and learned of Robert Wagner’s book signing. He co-wrote I Loved Her in the Movies, a book about the remarkable women who were the greatest screen personalities of their day.
A first on the second day? I saw The Color Purple in the Jacobs Theater and personally asked Robert Wagner a publishing question. He answered me,”No, I never considered the need for getting permission from the women or their families before publishing this book.” As an author I though he should have. His interview was entertaining as it sounded as if he had intimate relationships with many of the women.
Today, my third day, Thursday the 17th, I walked from 57th to 19th. I don’t know how far I
walked but will have a better idea by the time I get home.
My first for today was visiting the Crisis Text Line office (741741). I volunteer for them as a crisis counselor. An advocate met me, showed me around, and then we enjoyed a delightful conversation. I was twice as old, at least, from everyone in the room. Most could be my grandchildren. The office had glass walls and a lot of chrome; quite industrial and clean. I was thrilled to see the setting for the life-changing work we all do.
Another first was seeing the police, media, and protesters in front of Trump Tower on 5th Avenue. What a congested mess. I was glad to move on from there. I wanted to tell the protesters to go home; losing is part of living.
My sore legs are showing their age. They are begging me to give them a break. Tomorrow I will consider using the subway even though I would rather walk.
My last first today was watching two people meticulously decorate the Christmas windows at Saks Fifth Avenue. One was on the inside doing all the work, and the other was outside telling him what to do. I’ve had jobs like that. The windows are beautiful with huge lollipops and pink snow. Lord and Taylor’s animated characters were enchanting, and I found myself lost in the mechanics, “How do they do that?”
Walking home at rush hour, I wondered why people drive.
I acclimated to my new surroundings by finding another enchanting market (we call them grocery stores), delis with scrumptious looking everything, and restaurants tucked into many little corners.
I’m starting to wonder: “Can have this much fun for two whole months?”
Two Months of Firsts – #1
Written on November 17, 2016
Julie Nowacki says
This sounds amazing!! I will certainly follow along and dream of a trip like this someday!
Jennifer Goble says
Julie, thank you for following, and for your comment. If my courage can encourage other women to reach for a dream, my goal is achieved. Thank You!
Geri Gittings says
Oh Jennifer how lucky you are. It sounds like you’re going to have an absolutely fabulous time over the next two months. Going to New York City is honestly one of the main items on my bucket list. I want to go there so badly and do just exactly what you are doing and also see a Broadway show. We are going to do it! Have a wonderful, fantastic, glorious time. See you when you get back to the ordinary living!
Jennifer Goble says
Geri…it has been on my bucket list for years….I turned 70 this year and I decided it was time to Just Do IT! I am SO happy with myself:))) We can wish or we can do…If it all goes bad, at least I have tried….Like Forest Foster Jenkins, who said, “They can say I can’t sing, but they can’t say I didn’t sing!”
I am blogging several times a week…much of what I do is about writing, but one theater a week is on my list (so expensive – even at 50% off). THANK YOU for following!! See you soon:)
Lois Scott says
To see this posting this morning from you is awesome! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy…!
Jennifer Goble says
Thank you Lois! I will enjoy every minute – even if I run out of walking energy and just sit:) I hope to post several times a week. You can enjoy my adventures vicariously:) I’m still hoping for oil on your farm:)
Delinda Korrey says
I don’t want to just follow your journey, I want to be at your side on it! Enjoy NYC during the holiday season… it is just beautiful and so are you!
Jennifer Goble says
Delinda, so nice to see your follow. Now, we could get ourselves into serious trouble – that is a great idea. I’m floating around like I’m dreaming. It was worth the wait. I am already feeling like I live here and it hasn’t been a week yet:))
Shelley Posey says
This makes my heart smile, I lived in queens for six months and love the city. My daughter asked me just this morning for a mother daughter trip to New York. Enjoy yourself, two months won’t be nearly enough time.
Jennifer Goble says
Oh, Shelley, I know-it will not be long enough. I think you should jump on your daughters suggestion:) Have a blast!
Jennifer Goble says
How sweet Shelley, your daughter wants a mother/daughter trip. You are right, two months will not be enough for me, but it will for sure be enough for my credit card:) It is all I expected it to be and more. Thanks for the follow!
Teena Schaefer says
How exciting! You may need a larger room since so many of us will be right beside you. I know you’re going to have a great time!
Teena Schaefer says
It’s 12:58, not 7:58. FYI
Jennifer Goble says
Jennifer Goble says
Teena, I have a sofa bed:) You are welcome anytime:) I lucked out on the location…it is perfect! Close to everything except Wall Street…lol
Jennifer Goble says
Well Teena, I might need a better sofa bed too…This one has a few dysfunctions, but, what the heck:)
Doris Hemming says
Wow Jennifer! You finally did it! How exciting and I am so happy for you. I will definitely be following your stories and will look forward to hear what you do each day. I totally agree with you…….take action on things you want to do as life goes by so very fast. I am going to try anyway. Congrats on getting to NY!
Jennifer Goble says
Thanks Doris…Yes, it is awesome – truly. If there is something you want to do, just stop worrying – plan, prepare, and DO:) Cal comes in tonight, so I’m looking very forward to his company for a week.