(Visiting my sister Patty in the hospital on 1-5-16, she told me this short story. This was day six after her bone marrow transplant. Written using her actual words.)
“They said my bone marrow cells came from France. I laughed. Well, I had never considered they’d come from a different country. I thought they’d be from the United States. And, considering they were not FDA approved, I had to sign my life away.
The reason the cells came from Europe is they have been saving baby’s umbilical cords for a long time, so their banks are full.
I think they are doing it more in the U.S. now. They asked Steph if she wanted to keep them for herself, but they charge a rent to keep them. My neighbor’s daughter just had a baby in November and they asked her to donate and she did.
They ordered four stem cell, two from France, One from Spain, and one from the US. The two from France were the best match. They ordered two extra in case something happened to the first two. Something can happen in shipping. They come frozen.
One was female and one was male. Little girl and little boy babies. The male has type A blood and the female has type B. They put the female in first and put the little boy in second. Thy come in bags like any IV bag.
The doctors thought the boy would win because he had a higher count. I said the girl would win because she had head start.
But, I don’t care which sex wins. It won’t matter one way or the other.
I have type O now and I will have A or B when it’s over.
They give me shots in my stomach to help all cells strengthen and multiply. Once they are strong, they will battle each other. The strongest one should win. If neither are strong enough to take over my blood, I will need another transplant.
I know I am doing so well because of prayer. So many people are praying for me, even people I have never met.”
(Patty received both donors cells on December 30, 2015)
Dr J’s Comments
So fun listening to Patty tell her stories, and trying to write her actual words. She is a trooper! Her great attitude is a tribute to her ability to see the best of life.
Her mailing address is: 14516 North 107 St., Longmont, CO 80501
She won’t be home for eight weeks, but Jim will bring her mail.
An awesome account of what Patty is experiencing and everyone is learning so much from her.
God speaks and shines through Patty. God bless you.