As I sit at my computer to write this week’s article for Thanksgiving, I am eating a Sees chocolate – a white Apple Pie Truffle. It is delicious, and I am thankful. Yum!
I am thankful for the sweet, smooth, decadent filling and the dipped chocolate that melts on my tongue. I am grateful for the anticipation of pure delight as the impeccable treat teases my eyes and taste buds.
It is relatively shallow on my part to be thankful only for the sweet confection I savor. If I am truly grateful for the 180+ empty calorie indulgence, I would think beyond my pleasure: The farmers who raised and harvested the cocoa beans and sugar; Mary See, whose recipes inspired her son Charles to open their first shop in 1921; the engineers who designed machinery for the candy maker; the people who worked the assembly lines to produce a flawless product; the store employees who greet all with a smile and offer free samples; etc., etc.
It is essential to scan our lives and identify what we value, but it is additionally vital to acknowledge more than the obvious; to expand our thankfulness from what is visible and tangible to history and all the individuals that made it happen.
Thankfulness contributes to good mental health. If we fill our brains with gratitude and what we consider positive, there is less room for problems and pain. It does not mean we do not have difficulties and challenges; they do not have the space or nourishment to flourish and dominate.
Thanksgiving was not designated in 1863 by President Lincoln for us to stuff ourselves with turkey, cranberries, and pumpkin pie as we enjoy friends, family, and football; those are traditional perks. The original intention included humble reflection and genuine thankfulness.
I will wake up on Thanksgiving morning, and before I start my day, I will write a gratitude list of at least 100 people, places, and things that contribute to my life. I challenge you to do the same; it can’t take long, and the brainstorming could be fun and enlightening.
If I can think beyond the Apple Pie Truffle sitting in front of me and expand my thankfulness to nearly 100 years, just imagine YOUR potential.
Happy Thanksgiving, and thank YOU for all you do to make our world healthier and happier! The best good we can do is when our thoughts and actions help ourselves but also contribute to the wellness of friends and neighbors.
Until the next time: Live while you live.
Jennifer Goble, Ph.D., LPC, is the author of “My Clients…My Teachers,” and the blogger and writer of Rural Women Stories:
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